1. Text Mining (July 15 - 19 2024) - taught in English


Francisco Villarroel Ordenes (LUISS)

Ernesto Cardamone (University of Calabria)

Entry skills required

None in particular

Program outline

– Introduction to text mining: At the intersection between big data and linguistics

– Natural Language Processing: Syntax, semantics and data preprocessing

– Dictionary approaches: Use of existing dictionaries and development of customized ones

– Supervised learning: Classifications of documents into predefined categories

Unsupervised approaches: Text clustering and topic extraction

– Application exercises with Knime Analytics and R

The full program, including the Summer Schools in Italian, can be found here.

    General information

    Places available for each school: minimum 12, maximum 20.

    Timing: classes start at 9.00 and end at 18.00, with lunch break from 13.00 to 14.30. The class of Friday ends at 16.30.

    The participation certificate will be released with a minimum attendance of at least 80% of the total number of hours.